Friday, May 23, 2014


Reflect on your perceived value of this course. Include both positive and negative aspects of your experience. What might you have done to improve your learning experience in this course? How might the University or your instructor provide additional support for your learning? Were there topics covered in this course that seem particularly relevant or irrelevant to your experiences and to what you expect to come in future courses?


            There are many values to courses such as the leadership course which I have taken over the past 8 weeks. I think that MSLD 500 is very important considering how many people might not be prepared for the challenge which we are just getting started. There were three main components in my opinion which really make this class important to get through as a pre-requisite to all the other leadership courses. The three components are critical thinking, action research and APA writing. In this class my view was completely changed on the importance of these three components.

            I truly felt that critical thinking opened my eyes to a new way of seeing things throughout life in general. I now know that I need to think things through and I know which route to take to get the true meaning of my studies. This will be important throughout my time as a graduate student, knowing how to think clearly will give me the insight I need to get the most out of my studies.

            Our action research project helped me take on the role of being  a being a leader, for once I was the one doing the research and I was not counting to heavily on the work that others have done. This project gave me a different perspective compared to the work that I had done in the past, it is different when you are the one that is in charge of getting the data. I feel that this project was meant to help us feel and understand what it is like to be a leader and rely on ourselves more than others.

            Overall the most important part of this course for me was the practice I received with APA writing style. I feel that this was something that I was very weak at and I had not experienced too much practice with it in the past. Knowing how to present your work is one of the most important things that a leader can learn to do. As a leader you have to be able to guide your team, if you are not able to present your work in a scholarly way then no one will take you serious. Having the respect and support of your team is essential in our success as leaders, once this is lost it is very hard to get back.

            I think that this course was structured very well and if there was something I could have changed I think that it would have been the time constraints which I and probably most people have to deal with when taking courses like this. I feel that my learning experience would have been a lot better if I had more time to think things through, this is a personal issue which I will have to get around. As far as the class goes, I think we were given more than enough time to complete the work. Trying to find a balance between school work and life is something which I will have to get better at as I continue through this degree program.

            I think that this was a great semester, I can see how this course will create some great leaders. This course and degree is meant to get people to break out of their shell as followers and begin to become leaders over time. I can see how this degree program will be very different from when I was working on my under-graduates degree and I am looking forward to the challenge.



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